Calendar Events Policy

Events are listed here as a service to AA members, not as an endorsement by Area 57 or our Fellowship. The responsibility for upholding our Traditions is up to each group and event. However, the basic criteria for posting events on this calendar are posted on the website and on file at the State AA Office. The Technologies Committee reserves the right to decide what information is listed and if an event is listed.

For anonymity purposes – we follow the “Guidelines for Internet” published by AAWS. Contact information for the events listed here will include generic information only —

  • NO last names,
  • NO personal phone numbers,
  • NO personal addresses and
  • NO E-mail addresses with last names in them will be used.

Flyers for an event may be available to print – on our State website: (To add your event’s flyer to the website, see instructions there) Events listed here – have been submitted to our State AA Office.

To submit events for calendar: Call (405) 842-1200 or E-mail: [email protected]

Upcoming Events