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Alt-Area Chair

AA Oklahoma – From the Alternate Area 57 Chair

One of the ways we can assist districts is through State Sponsored Workshops. Topics can be any service, tradition, or group-related topic.  In general, we don’t do recovery-oriented topics such as step studies and big book studies.  Think in terms of what the district and groups might need.  Typically we try to have 4 a year and try to work toward meeting in rural areas of the state.

What are State Sponsored Workshops?

They are a forum for groups and districts to exchange ideas and learn from each other.  They provide an informal atmosphere where local and area-wide people get together to consider topics of general and local interest.  A workshop can reinvigorate any service committee by raising awareness of the work of the committee and letting the fellowship know of the possibilities for service.  Workshops on CPC, PI, Treatment, Corrections, Sponsorship, Chairing Meetings, Spiritual Anonymity, etc have proved most valuable.

The area has budgeted funds to cover rent, meat for a potluck, etc as needed.

What are Mini Workshops?  These are one or two topics arranged in conjunction with District Meetings, Dinners, or other gatherings.  These might be 30 minutes to 2 hours in length and could be scheduled either as part of the agenda or as separate sessions before or after the meeting. You might want to consider asking one of our Area Service Committee Chairs to come to talk about their committee’s work.

Please keep State Sponsored Workshops in mind.  We are here to help!

Andy D.

Alternate Area Chair

Email The Alternate Chair