Upcoming Events

District 10

AA Oklahoma – District 10

Greetings from the District 10 Chair!

Greetings and Salutations from District 10 Chair,

I am truly grateful to be elected as the District 10 Chair and looking forward to serving District 10 and AA as whole over the next 2 years. Should you have any questions or concerns on what is happening in District 10 or would like to be part of a committee please feel free to contact me. 

We have quarterly District meetings and EVERYONE is welcome to attend.  Bring a sponsoree or a friend!  Your voice matters!

https://okcdistrict10.org/  or email District Chair at [email protected]­­­­­­

District 10 Contributions should be mailed to PO Box 7081, Moore, OK 73153

Thank you,
Staci N., District 10 Chair

District Chair:  Staci N.

District Secretary:  Stephany H.

District Treasurer:  Mark H.


DCM Cluster 1 –  Rene B.

Alt DCM Cluster 1 – Robert H.

DCM Cluster 2 –  April W.

Alt DCM Cluster 2 – Jill C.

DCM Cluster 3 – Niki W.

Alt DCM Cluster 3 – Bill C.

DCM Cluster 4 – Patrick M.

Alt DCM Cluster 4 – John H.

DCM Cluster 5 – Paul G.

Alt DCM Cluster 5 – April S.

DCM Cluster 6 – DeAdrian N.

Alt DCM Cluster 6 – Jeff H.

Service Committee Chairs

Accessibilities Chair   Stephany H.

Archives Chair – Dan W.

Bridge the Gap Chair – Michael P.

Corrections Chair – Cameron F.

CPC Chair – Ryan C.

Grapevine Chair – Stacy C.

Gratitude Chair  – Michelle B.

 Public Information Chair  – David Y.

Policy & Procedures Chair  – Paula B.

Technologies Chair  – Joann D.

Treatment Chair – Tommy F.

Have questions? Email the District 10 Chair