Upcoming Events


General Service Documents & Background

Hello, Area 57!

I’m so excited to be serving Oklahoma as your delegate for the next two years! I’ve already been super busy with the other delegates in our region getting ready for the General Service Conference (GSC) in April.
The purpose of this note is to provide everyone with some information and a timeline of what I’m doing to prepare for the GSC. I’m very much looking forward to hearing your input on the important agenda items.

When is this year’s General Service Conference?

April 27 – May 3rd in New York City.

When will the final agenda for the Conference be finalized?

The conference committee is expecting the final agenda, along with all the background material, will be made available around the 3rd week of February.

Do we have an early draft of the agenda? Do we have a list of preliminary agenda items (PAIs) that may or may not make it on the final agenda?

We do currently have an early draft of the agenda. It has been posted to the password-protected documents page below. However, there are no background materials available yet. The password is the same as it has always been. If you need the password, please email me at [email protected].
The full list of PAIs will be made available near the end of February, and will include those submissions that did not make it onto the final agenda. This PAI timeline is a change from years past.

When will members of Area 57 have an opportunity to share our feedback on the agenda items?

I want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts with me ahead of the GSC. Here are all of the ways you can give me your input on the agenda items:

Area 57 General Sharing Sessions on Zoom

Thursday 03/06 @ 7pm
Sunday 04/06 @ 2pm

The Mock Conference at our quarterly Area meeting on Sunday 03/23

You can call or text me anytime (email me for my number if you don’t have it)
You can email me anytime at [email protected]
If you see me at a meeting or anywhere else, I’d love to spend some time talking with you

You can always contact me at any time and about anything. See you all soon!

In Love and Service,

Bryan T.
P75/A57 Delegate
[email protected]