Possible Alcoholic?
AA Oklahoma – Is AA for You?
Only you can decide whether you want to give A.A. a try — whether you think it can help you.
It is a question we in AA have all had to answer. When we came to AA we discovered we were not alone, and that others had suffered the same feelings of guilt, loneliness, and despair. We had to face up to what alcohol had done to us.
OKC Area 24-Hour Hotline – 405-524-1100
Tulsa Area 24-Hour Hotline – 918-627-2224
Officina Intergrupal Hispana (Spanish) – 405-316-9472
Information from our AA World Services website www.aa.org may help you decide. In particular, the following may be useful.
You may want to check AA out for yourself to see what it’s like. Everyone, alcoholics and non-alcoholics, is welcome at our open meetings. To find a meeting, call one of the hotline numbers below, or find an open meeting near you on our meetings page.
You can call one of our hotline numbers listed on the contacts page, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An AA member can and will answer questions, put you in touch with an AA contact, or help you find a meeting.