3 events found.
State Sponsored Workshop (Guthrie) – Traditions, P&P, How to Chair a Meeting
SSW 4-13-24 8:00 AM Breakfast 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Panel Speakers Alan H., Way Out Group, Lawton, OK Paul A., ABC Group, Seminole, OK Steve S., 89er Group, Guthrie, OK Sharon S., Triangle Group, Norman, OK Hosted by the Read more…
Practicing Traditions In All Our Affairs Workshop
Practicing Traditions Flyer Practicing Traditions In All Our Affairs Hosted by Original Westside Group Russ (AA) and Kathy (Al Anon) from Bella Vista, AR 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, lunch will be provided Fellowship Lutheran 6727 S Sheridan Rd Tulsa, Read more…
Northeast Oklahoma Big Meeting
Harvard Avenue Christian Church 5502 S Harvard Ave Tulsa, OK 74135