Event Submission Criteria
AA Oklahoma – Event Submission Criteria
Criteria for Listing Events on the Area 57 Calendar or Web Site:
The broad general criteria for an event to list on the calendar or website is that it be consistent in intent with the traditions and the preamble. In other words, it should not have a requirement for “dues or fees”, and should not be associated with any entity outside AA, etc In addition, the Area 57 website has no desire to become a widespread listing of any and all events everywhere.
The following events are deemed to be within those guidelines, and will be routinely listed:
Area 57 sponsored events will be listed, including Area Meetings, Area Sharing Sessions, State Sponsored Workshops, and the Oklahoma State Conference.
Events Sponsored by the Southwest Region: SWRAASA and Southwest Regional Forums.
Events sponsored by Area 57 Districts will be listed, including District Meetings, District Sponsored Conferences, District Sponsored Picnics, and District Sponsored Workshops.
Events sponsored by the Oklahoma City Intergroup and the NE Oklahoma Central Service will be listed, including quarterly delegate’s meetings, open houses, and fundraisers.
OKYPAA and ICYPAA themselves, but not fundraisers etc related to them.
Area/State Conferences will be listed for Areas within the Southwest Region of AA.
The following events will not be listed.
No events will be listed on the same dates as the Oklahoma State Conference or the Area 57 quarterly meeting.
Events outside Oklahoma, other than official State or Area Sponsored Conferences and ICYPAA
Al-Anon Events or any other events associated with entities outside AA.
Other events submitted for listing on the calendar or website must be reviewed and approved by the Area Media Services Chair and the webmaster for consistency with the traditions, and concepts before listing.
Events are listed here as a service to AA members, not as an endorsement by Area 57 or our Fellowship. The responsibility for upholding our Traditions is up to each group and event. However, the basic criteria for posting events on this calendar are posted on the website and on file at the State AA Office. The Technologies Committee reserves the right to decide what information is listed and if an event is listed.
For anonymity purposes – we follow the “Guidelines for Internet” published by AAWS. Contact information for the events listed here will include generic information only —
- NO last names,
- NO personal phone numbers,
- NO personal addresses and
- NO E-mail addresses with last names in them will be used.
Flyers for an event may be available to print – on our State website: www.aaoklahoma.org
Events listed here have been submitted to our State AA Office.
To submit events for calendar: Call (405) 842-1200 or E-mail: [email protected]